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Quik-Cure 5 min cures to a slightly flexible consistency making it ideal for joints that may experience vibration or stress but it shouldn’t be used if the joint will experience extended periods immersed in water. It is however safe to use when constructing internal structures inside boats. Full strength is reached in one hour.
Application chart
Beez2B is proud to present: APC, Atomic r/c racing products, Beez2B, BSD Racing, BSI Bob Smith Industries Incorporated, Burning Fuel, Cross-RC, Devention, Dry Fluid Extreme, eTurbine, FMS, Freewing, H Factor, iMAX Sky RC, killerbody, MRT, Muc-Off, Nosram, Precision tools by ProEdge, Radiolink, Robitronic, Roc Hobby, RW Racing, Sky-Hero, Spec.R, The Rally Legends, Tech One, T-Motor, Walkera, Xtreme Production, 4Wheels, 4Wings and many other brands