


Press review - October 2018

Publié le : 2018-10-29 08:55:02
Catégories : Press review

Press review - October 2018

DHM Aero #02 - October/November 2018

In the #2 issue of the free downloadable magazine created by Laurent Michelet, you can find a very complete test of the FMS 1400mm Kingfisher, a trainer but "not only", and the test of of the easy to carry everywhere SkyRC B6 Nano charger. And the FMS 2000mm Extra 330 is shown in the news pages.

So, to start the magazine, the FMS 2000mm Extra 330 PNP is in the "Just Landed !" pages.

Eleven pages are dedicated to the FMS Kingfisher, with many pictures and also action videos. This is a preview, but to read and see all the contents, you need to download the magazine, as many texts blocks may be scrolled, and some picture frames are animated with many pictures in the same frame.

The SkyRC B6 nano review offers also a built-in video.

Bonne lecture !

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